When should I sell my home? What is the best buyer to choose? How do I know they’re qualified? What should or shouldn’t I fix? Who has to pay for inspections? What’s the best way to market my property?
I know I know, there is a lot to consider when selling your home. I’ve been selling real estate for years and I’ve helped many sellers navigate the selling process. One thing I’ve found is that by attending a hassle free, no strings attached presentation can help answer any of the questions you have, but even more importantly help you think about things you hadn’t even considered. There are a lot of things you should think about when selling.
I’ve put together a free seller’s workshop titled Selling with Confidence: How to Maximize the Return on Your Investment. The good news is that you can sign up at a time that works best for you, and you can attend virtually so you don’t even have to leave your home. Or, If you’d like, you can watch a short 20 minute pre-recorded presentation at a time that’s convenient for you. Just click on this link and you’ll be directed to choose an option that works best for you.
If you’re more of an in-person kind of person and want a more intimate personal experience where we can dive deep on the ins and out of selling or just to talk about what your plans for the future are, give us a call and we can schedule an appointment together.
I’m a Top Producing Realtor® in the OAKLAND / BERKELEY EAST BAY AREA. I’ve been in the East Bay since I came up to do my undergrad at UC Berkeley (a long time ago!), with a short stint at UC Davis while getting my Master’s. I take my duties as a Realtor® and Fiduciary very seriously, I enjoy educating my sellers and buyers along the way. Putting People, Before Profit.