real estate MARKET update


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Latest Housing Forecast… What’s Ahead?

As we move into the second half of 2024, what is the latest housing forecast from the experts? From rates, to inventory, to what homes are getting the top prices, and more! 🏡

Watch this video to learn what’s going on! 🍿🎥 👁️👄👁️

FREE DOWNLOAD–> 12 Mistakes to Avoid When Selling

What’s your East Bay home REALLY worth?

CLICK HERE <— to request your FREE Home Report

Inventory Infusion!

After a couple of post pandemic years of low level inventory, the housing market is seeing an inventory infusion! So what does this inventory infusion mean for buyers & sellers? 🏡

Watch this video to learn what’s going on! 🍿🎥 👁️👄👁️

SHOP Home Selling Plans!

Tanja’s Ultimate Offer for Home Sellers

Get What You Want. Only Pay for What You Need. No More Haggling with a Realtor.

Popular Plans Start as Low as 2% List Fee. Sell as low as 1 – 1.5% listing commission. Terms apply

Oakland Berkeley East Bay … LOCAL UPDATE!

OAKLAND & BERKELEY August 2024 Real Estate Market Update

Hey Oakland & Berkeley! It’s time for your MARKET UPDATE! The market is in full swing and here are the latest stats! 

Watch this video to find out what’s going on with Oakland and Berkeley Real Estate 🍿🎥 👁️👄👁️

Home Prices. Interest rates. Inflation.

What does it mean for the your ability to buy or sell a home?

City Life Vs Country Life

Is living in the suburbs or a more rural area more affordable than living close to the city? If you’re thinking about buying a home, here are some things to consider 🏡🤠🌉

Will the answer shock you? Watch this video to find out! 🍿🎥 👁️👄👁️

What’s your East Bay home REALLY worth?

CLICK HERE <— to request your FREE Home Report

 Longer Days on Market… What Can Sellers Expect?

With the recent shift in the market, selling a home can be an exciting but nerve wracking experience! One of the biggest concerns for sellers is the number of days their property spends on the market. 🏡🪧 So, what can home sellers expect when their home has longer days on market?  🕰️

Watch this video to learn more! 🍿🎥 👁️👄👁️

 Buyer Opportunities for the Remainder of 2024

Where’s the GOOD NEWS?! Many potential buyers and sellers are tired of hearing about low inventory, higher mortgage rates and higher prices. So, what are the Buyer Opportunities for the remainder of the year? 🏡🪧 

Watch this video to find out! 🍿🎥 👁️👄👁️

SHOP Home Selling Plans!

Tanja’s Ultimate Offer for Home Sellers

Get What You Want. Only Pay for What You Need. No More Haggling with a Realtor.

Popular Plans Start as Low as 2% List Fee. Sell as low as 1 – 1.5% listing commission. Terms apply

Home Inspection Vs. Appraisal, You Need to Know the Difference!

As a home buyer, there are two contingencies you will likely put in your offer: Home Inspection and Appraisal. So, what is the difference between the two?  🏡🪧 

Watch this video to discover what it is! 🍿🎥 👁️👄👁️

Why You Shouldn’t Time The Market 

Can you time the real estate market? It’s SO tempting to try and time the market to get the best deal, since buying or selling a home is one of the biggest financial decisions you will make! Is it the best strategy? Not always! and here’s why you shouldn’t time the market. ⏰🗓️ First, let’s understand what timing the market means. 🏡

Watch this video to learn more! 🍿🎥 👁️👄👁️