The One Thing You Must Do Before Closing!

The One Thing You Must Do Before Closing!

If you are a buyer nearing the end of your home-buying process you are probably

starting to get excited about finally getting your keys to your new home. But first,

there is one last and SUPER CRUCIAL step you must do before you close… 

Hi, I’m Tanja Odzak, eXp Realty. I love helping people. I’m a Senior Level Realtor and I help people sell and buy homes right here in the East Bay! 

As a buyer, the final walk-through is your last chance to make sure the home is in the condition it was when you made the offer. If any repairs have been negotiated, then this is also the time to ensure they have been completed. Ideally, this walk-through should be completed within five days of closing escrow. 

You will need to be present along with your agent. You will walk the property’s exterior and interior with your agent to confirm requested repairs are completed and no

new maintenance issues have come up. You will also need to check if all agreed

items that were included in the sale are still in place in the home. The last thing

you want to have happen is to skip the walkthrough and then move in and find the refrigerator is missing. You also want to do this AFTER all staging has been removed. Sometimes there can be damage under a couch or potted plant and you can’t see it until it is too late!

You will also need to check that all systems and appliances are functioning correctly. Keep in mind this is not another home inspection. It’s just the time to make sure all things that have been negotiated are present and the home reflects the condition at the time of your offer. 

This walk-through should not take longer than 30 minutes and the seller should not be present. If you do encounter any issues your agent will need to communicate with the listing agent to get these issues resolved before the loan funds and property closes. Discovering problems at the time of the final walk-through is rare but does occasionally happen (it actually just happened to my Buyers and I this past week!).

Bottomline, as a buyer you want to be sure the terms of agreement are satisfied before you take possession. Working with a knowledgeable agent can help you navigate this part of the transaction and will benefit you down the road with your investment. 

If you are a buyer looking to purchase, Call me today and let’s talk about it. I’m a seasoned East Bay expert with a 5-star rating. I’ll help you navigate the market and make it happen, whether that’s selling or buying or both! 

And if you or someone you know needs to sell a home, ask me about my home-selling plans.. I took the pain out of negotiating with a Realtor and made it SUPER simple. Really!  Choose Silver, Gold, or Platinum- Pick your Plan and Pick your Price. Terms do apply. I’m Tanja and I sell homes. Let’s get you going, Call me today!

I’m a Top Producing Realtor® in the OAKLAND / BERKELEY / EAST BAY AREA. I’ve been in the San Francisco East Bay Area since I came up to do my undergrad at UC Berkeley (a long time ago!), with a short stint at UC Davis while getting my Master’s. I take my duties as a Realtor® and Fiduciary very seriously, I enjoy educating my sellers and buyers along the way. Putting People, Before Profit. 

Why not check out one of my no-obligation, online, On-Demand, virtual Real Estate Seminars?



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