hey it’s Tanja with your monthly trends
report for january of 2021.
so what happened in january of 2021 so
when we compared january 2021 to january
of last year in 2020
we can see that lafayette moraga and orinda
were all down in the number of homes
that were put on the market so this is
inventory right how many houses are
listed for sale lafayette was down five
percent moraga was down 38
and orenda was down 31 this was actually
in lafayette and orinda from december
except moraga was up by 225
when we look at december compared to
january so
also you know we need a little bit of
context with this so how do we know like
how many
houses is this actually you know for
sale what does it say about the market
so we do this by looking at months of
inventory because months of inventory
tells us it’s like a gauge for
the health of the real estate market so
generally if you have five months or
less it’s a
seller’s market if you have seven months
or more it’s a buyer’s market
well right now lafayette is point nine
nine tenths of a month moraga is seven
tenths of a month and orinda is one and
a half months worth of inventory
so this means that they are very hot uh
sellers markets right now and it’s true
because there’s because of that interest
rate that is so
crazy low there are so many buyers
that are out there right now and the
market is brutal
but that being said um
not all houses that are on the market
are hot houses you know not every house
you know you know in a week or in two
weeks sometimes some of them do take
longer to sell and that’s just because
you know location condition
the skills of a realtor and the
can all play a role in you know how long
that takes to sell
so um and also in purchase price right
you know something that
um might not be in the most ideal
or you know be in the best condition or
is being sold by a realtor who doesn’t
as much skills or experience it’s
probably gonna sell for less
so that being said a la forget when we
compare january of 2021 to
january of last year the price is
up by 14 percent moraga is actually down
by 11 percent
and orinda is up by eight and a half
so i just want to throw in a little bit
of you know what the you know the
national news and the real estate
industry projections are for 2021 and i
want to talk about core logic
um because their chief economists
predict that home prices will continue
to go up but not as quickly as
you know what we have seen recently and
corelogic is really cool because they
base their predictions on data and facts
and not the news
um so they expect a continued growth in
appreciation during the first half of
the year
but they feel that it’s going to slow
down like it may slow down a little bit
in the second half of the year
so if you want to talk to me about
selling or buying your home and you have
questions about what does this mean for
you and your situation
feel free to reach out to me my contact
information is
in the comments below otherwise give me
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