Have you ever thought about selling your home but something got in the way. Maybe it wasn’t the best time, maybe you weren’t sure if it were a good time to sell. Maybe you were hoping the market would continue to go up, but now you’re wondering if you should reevaluate your thought process around selling your home.
Listen, selling is one of the biggest decisions anyone will ever make. Not only is it in most cases, one of the largest financial decisions, but let’s face it, it’s also your precious home where you’ve raised your family or just started a new one.
It’s scary thinking about selling and all of the decisions you’ll have to make. But don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be. I’ve helped many people here in the Oakland/Berkeley East Bay Area navigate the buying and selling process, and I can help you too. It may be a really good idea for you to investigate a little further on your own.
I’ve put together a series of videos that talk about all of the ins and outs of selling your home. Click this link and you’ll be taken to a page where you can watch all of the informative videos on your own timeline. Once you’ve watched all the videos, if you’ve got more questions, you can give us a call or you can sign up for our Free seller’s workshop titled Selling with Confidence, How to Maximize the Return on Your Investment. And of course if you’d prefer more of a private personal experience just call me and we’ll make an appointment together.
I’m a Top Producing Realtor® in the OAKLAND / BERKELEY EAST BAY AREA. I’ve been in the East Bay since I came up to do my undergrad at UC Berkeley (a long time ago!), with a short stint at UC Davis while getting my Master’s. I take my duties as a Realtor® and Fiduciary very seriously, I enjoy educating my sellers and buyers along the way. Putting People, Before Profit.