When you decide to get a divorce , there are a lot of issues that need to be dealt with that can be down right overwhelming and emotionally draining. One of the most emotionally-charged decisions that must be made involves deciding the fate of the family home. If you are looking for a Realtor to help you navigate through this transition, you’re in the right place.
The family home is more than four walls and a roof. For most, it’s the place where you’ve built a life with your spouse and often raised a family. There are typically many memories, and a lot of security, wrapped up in the family home. So, when it comes time to decide who gets the house in the settlement or if it is going to be sold, it is understandable that many people find it difficult to make these decisions. But making an emotional decision can have consequences. If you are early in the divorce process and trying to decide what to do with the family home, the sooner you decide the better.
While having these discussions, here are four key questions you will need to ask.
- Will the property be sold, and if so, when?
- Which spouse will stay in the home until the property is sold?
- Who will pay for the mortgage, maintenance costs, and other expenses associated with the home until it’s sold?
- If one spouse wants to keep the home as part of the settlement, what arrangements will be made to do so such as refinancing or buying the other spouse out.
If you have agreed to sell the home, now is the time to find a reputable realtor to represent both of your interests and who can best guide you through the process of selling the home while going through a divorce.
I’m a Top Producing Realtor® in the OAKLAND / BERKELEY / EAST BAY AREA. I’ve been in the Oakland / Berkeley / East Bay since I came up to do my undergrad at UC Berkeley (a long time ago!), with a short stint at UC Davis while getting my Master’s. I take my duties as a Realtor® and Fiduciary very seriously, I enjoy educating my sellers and buyers along the way. Putting People, Before Profit.
Why not check out my no-obligation, online, On-Demand, virtual Divorce Seller Seminar?