Money like Speed! When Selling Your Home🏡💵💕

Money like Speed! When Selling Your Home🏡💵💕

Have you ever heard the saying Money Like Speed? Well, that saying certainly applies when selling your home! 

Hi, I’m Tanja Odzak, Our East Bay Home brokered by eXp Realty.

As we all know, selling your home can be a complex and sometimes stressful process but there is one thing that is absolutely critical for success and that is… Money Like Speed. So what does that exactly mean? It means that the faster you can sell your home, the more likely you are to receive a fair price, avoid unnecessary expenses and hopefully make a decent profit. 

Now, keep in mind, this doesn’t mean selling your home too quickly in a market where you are seeing bidding wars and multiple offers! If you sell your home in a day in a market climate like this you are typically leaving money on the table! I’m referring to having your home stay on the market in a more normalized market.  In a normalized market, the longer your home stays on the market, the more you will pay for the “holding costs” such as property taxes, utilities, possible repairs, and maintenance. 

Also, the longer buyers and their agent sees that a home has been on the market, they feel they can get it for a cheaper price. Obviously, these costs can cut into your bottom line profit and make it more difficult to achieve your financial goals. Of course, there are strategies to be sure this doesn’t happen. 

Pricing your home competitively is key. Staying competitive in a real estate market means buyers are more likely to make offers on homes that are priced competitively and possibly increase your chances of receiving multiple offers. Also, making any necessary repairs upfront will avoid added expenses during negotiations, and finally making sure you are working with an experienced and reputable agent are all critical factors to be sure you can sell your home quickly. 

Contact me today so I can show you my complete marketing plan and digital strategy on how I can sell your home quickly and effectively to make the most return on your investment. 

And if you’re someone that needs to sell a home, ask me about my home selling plans where you get to pick which real estate services you want and the fee you pay… Most of the them include my super duper digital marketing that… no one else does in our area. I’m Tanja and I sell homes. I offer simplified and transparent choices!  

I’m a Top Producing Realtor® in the OAKLAND / BERKELEY / EAST BAY AREA. I’ve been in the San Francisco East Bay Area since I came up to do my undergrad at UC Berkeley (a long time ago!), with a short stint at UC Davis while getting my Master’s. I take my duties as a Realtor® and Fiduciary very seriously, I enjoy educating my sellers and buyers along the way. Putting People, Before Profit. 

Why not check out one of my no-obligation, online, On-Demand, virtual Real Estate Seminars?



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