Looking to Get Outta Dodge?

U-Pick Farms in Brentwood CA!

A Fun day-trip from Oakland / Berkeley East Bay Area!

We wanted to get out of town and go somewhere different, ideally a day trip. We discovered Harvest Time in Brentwood! Just 45 minutes away, and we had a super fun time.

Wear good solid shoes, bring a hat, grab your sunscreen, and a *cardboard box* for your fruit! Pro-tip… bring a ladder to reach the super ripe cherries at the top. (I think you can do that! probably call in advance to make sure) I totally recommend going!!!

Fun day-trip from Oakland / Berkeley East Bay Area: U-Pick Farms in Brentwood CA
THE “Harvest Time” Map
Tips & Info

Where did we go?

Nunn Better Farms (Cherries & Olive Oil): CLICK HERE

George’s Berry Farm (Strawberries): CLICK HERE

We didn’t go here, but saw it’s also open right now: Chavez U-pick Cherries: CLICK HERE

We were told that the “main harvest season” starts in 2-3 weeks… which would be at the end of May!

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